Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oops, Forgot To Post!

Oh dear, I forgot to post on Monday! Looks like I'll do it today. Well let me see, what should I say...oh yes, does anyone know about Dr, Who? I certainly do! XD It's awesome!!!! You know what happened when I tried watching the first episode of the new season on a website, I ran out of minutes!! What I mean is that when you reach a certain amount of time, you have to be a member and pay to watch all you want! >.< grrrrrrr... But there is another way, you can either wait an hour, or get a different computer. We have another computer, but my sister was using it to chat with a friend, so of course it wasn't possible to use. My sister Julia LOVES Dr. Who. She calles it being a "Whovian" when you are obsessed with the show. Here is a picture of Doctor Who!!

Any way, that's it!! But to conclude this post, DOCTOR WHO IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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