Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm Back!

Well, well, well...Hi everyone, I have not posted for about a little less than two weeks, because our internet sadly was not working. But now it is, so yay!! Today I went to a pastor named Ralph Smith's seminar. It lasted about 2 hours or something like that. The sermon was about God's commandments, and how he punishes the wicked when they disobey His commands.

Guess what, you know what the military snipers use for camouflage, it's called a ghillie suit. Here's a picture of it in progress. I'm almost done!

I'm probably going to use the ghillie suit for paintballing, and maybe even for getting close up pictures of animals and stuff. Maybe.

Anyway, that's it for today's post, so see yah blog followers! xD

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