Friday, August 3, 2012

Updated Moon!! And other stories!

Hey everybody! Guess what, I just found out that I can get the full moon above the park right beside our house! That means I have more time to play with settings to get an even better one than last time. Here is the updated! Compare both, and you'll see what I mean.

Cool eh? Way better than the last one. (not as bright) 
Anyway,  I want to talk about the coolest thing I've ever joined on the internet! It's called OYAN. (One Year Adventure Novel/Forum!) Maybe I should explain before I get in to much detail. First of all, my sister joined and loved it so much. It's a high school novel writing curriculum which teaches soooooo well! When joined, you get to join the forum where you can talk with other OYANers, as we call each other. You can also make topics on pretty much anything. Whether it is random, or about writing. If you need help with character development, or ANYTHING!! There is also chat, where you can talk to people. One of the great parts about it is that almost all of them are CHRISTIANS, including me of course. There is also an every year workshop is Kansas which I want to go to so bad next year!!!!!! 

Anyway, that's enough about OYAN for now...well...I'm tired and need to sleep, so I'll post later. 

Enjoy followers! 

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